Instructions for Authors

The submitted manuscript should have the following sections:

1. Title Page
The title page should include:
The name(s) of the author(s)
Address(es) of the author(s)
The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author

2. Abstract
150-400 words. Please do not put P-value, abbreviations or any reference.

3. Keywords
4-6 keywords.

4. Manuscript
Manuscripts should be submitted in MS-Word (preferably in .docx format) with the font Times New Roman (size 12 pt).

The manuscript should have: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement (if any).

Scientific names should be italic. pages should be numbered. All lines should be numbered automatically using the MS-Word.

Use three headings:




5. References
Citation in the text
(Dumont, 1998).
Dumont (1998).
Smith and Johnson (2011).
(Smith and Johnson, 2011)

For 3 or more than 3 authors:
(Anan et al., 2002)
Anan et al. (2002)

Separate authors in a parenthesis using;
(Kajiwara et al., 2003; Weißflog et al., 1999; Korshenko and Gul, 2005)

Reference list at the end of the paper
Agusa T., Kunito T., Tanabe S., Pourkazemi M., Aubrey D.G. (2004). Concentrations of trace elements in muscle of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49: 789-800.

Townsend C.R., Begon M., Harper J.L. (2003). Essentials of ecology, 2nd. Blackwell Science publishing. 530 p.

Cooke G.D., Welch E.B., Peterson S.A., Nichols S.A. (2005). Restoration and management of lakes and reservoirs. CRC Press. Florida, 591 p.

Book Section
Coutteau P. (1996). Micro-algae. In: P. Lavens, P. Sorgeloos (Ed.). Manual on the production and use of live food for aquaculture, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 361. Rome, FAO. pp: 7-47.

Conference Paper
Cellario C., George S. (1990). Second generation of Paracentrotus lividus reared in the laboratory: Egg quality tested. In: C.d. Ridder, P. Dubois, M.C. Lahaye, M. Jangoux (Ed.). Echinoderm research : proceedings of the second European conference on Echinoderms. Brussels, Belgium, Balkema, Rotterdam. pp: 65-70.

Clarke M. (2002). The effect of salinity on distribution, reproduction and feeding of the starfish Coscinasterias muricata (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) in a rocky subtidal community of a New Zealand fiord. M.Sc. thesis, Department of Marine Science, University of Otago. 84 p.

Wray G.A. (1994). Echinodermata. Available from: Retrieved 3/19/2004.

The EndNote users can use the style file:
EndNote style (zip file)

6. Tables
Tables should be numbered and cited in the text, for example: Table 1. All tables should have a caption above the table without ending to “.”

7. Graphs and Illustration
All graphs and illustrations should have a caption below the graph ending to a “.”
Graphs and illustrations should be cited in the text, for example: Figure 1.
Graphs and illustrations can be prepared using MS-Office. Embed the illustrations prepared by MS-Office in the paper. The font of the graphs or any text on the illustrations should be Arial or Times New Roman. Size of the text on graphs and illustrations should be 10 pt.

Graphs and illustrations can be submitted separately. If illustrations are going to be submitted separately, prepare them with the following format (with a resolution no less than 300 dpi) and determine their locations in the paper:
For vector graphics, EPS
For halftones, TIFF format.

8. Copy Right
With submitting a paper to the IJAB, you accept to transfer automatically the copy right to the IJAB. Submitting a paper to the IJAB means that all authors have seen the paper and agree with the final form of the submitted paper and their positions in the author list. No part of the submitted paper should be published before.

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